
since 0.1.0
Data API Yes
Javascript API Yes

Bulma provides a very versatile modal component. The problem? Modals need Javascript! BulmaJS makes this quick and easy to set up.

The first step is to create the modal instance. Due to the nature of a modal, it will always need some form of Javascript. Due to this, there is no HTML only way of creating a modal instance. However, you can only use Javascript if this suits your project.

Creating a modal instance

The modal plugin provides two ways to create a new modal. Either entirely through Javascript, using this method all HTML will be dynamically created or with a mixture of HTML and Javascript.


            var modal = Bulma.create('modal', {
                root: document.getElementById('modal-example-1'),
                title: 'Modal title 1',
                body: '<p class="image is-4by3"><img src="" alt=""></p>',
                buttons: [
                        label: 'Save changes',
                        classes: ['button', 'is-success'],
                        onClick: function() { alert('Save button pressed'); }
                        label: 'Close',
                        classes: ['button', 'is-danger', 'is-outline'],
                        onClick: function() { alert('Close button pressed'); }


            <button id="example-modal-button-2" class="button is-primary">Toggle modal</button>

    <div id="modal-example-2" class="modal">
        <div class="modal-background"></div>
        <div class="modal-card">
            <header class="modal-card-head">
                <p class="modal-card-title">Modal title 1</p>
                <button class="delete" aria-label="close"></button>
            <section class="modal-card-body">
                    <p class="image is-4by3"><img src="" alt=""></p>
            <footer class="modal-card-foot">
                <button class="button is-success">Save changes</button>
                <button class="button is-danger is-outline">Cancel</button>

        document.querySelector('#example-modal-button-2').addEventListener('click', function(e) {
            var modalTwo = Bulma.create('modal', {
                element: document.querySelector('#modal-example-2')


Opening/closing a modal

You want to show your modal right? With BulmaJS that's as easy as calling open() on your modal Javascript instance. You can call the reverse close() method to close the modal.

Bulma supports a couple of different modal styles. You can control what time is used using the style option when creating the modal. By default a modal with use the card style. This is the traditional style of a modal and has a header, content area and footer. The alternative value is image which will use the image type instead.


If your modal is showing important information you may want to restrict how a user closes it. By default a modal can be closed in a few different ways:

  1. Clicking the close icon in the top right corner
  2. Clicking outside the modal (in the overlay area)
  3. Pressing the escape key on their keyboard

A modal can also be closed through a button press, although this is controlled when the modal is being created and is not default behaviour.

A modal can be configured so that it is restricted and can only be closed via the Javascript API. This means the user would have to click one of the buttons you provide to them. To enable this pass the closable: false option when creating the modal.

Adding buttons

Most modals will need the addition of buttons to provide the user with some control over what to do. By default a modal will contain a close button in the upper right corner. However, you can specify additional buttons.

If you choose to create the modal primarily in HTML, then you'll need to manually add event listeners to your buttons. Otherwise, you can use the buttons option when creating your modal.

The buttons option takes an array of objects. Each object within the array represents a button. Each object will need to contain the following properties:

  • Label This is the text that's shown to the user.
  • Classes This is an array of classes used to construct your button.
  • onClick This is the function used when the click event is called on the button. The event object is passed as the only argument.


The modal plugin provides two callback events. onOpen and onClose. A onOpen callback as an option when creating the modal will allow you to detect when a modal is open, onClose will detect the reverse. Both events receive the modal instance as their only argument and are called after the is-active class has been added/removed from the modal.