
since 0.1.0
Data API Yes
Javascript API Yes

Bulma provides custom styling for the file input. This is great for unifying the design of your form between browsers. One great addon to the Bulma file component is the file-name element. This provides a place for you to insert the name of the file you're uploading.

The file plugin can be used to easily add the file name detection to your file component. All you need to do is include BulmaJS and the File component into your page. Everything will then taken care of. You can even include a placeholder value in the filename element, this will then be overridden once a file is deleted.

            <div class="file has-name is-boxed">
    <label class="file-label">
        <input class="file-input" type="file" name="resume">
        <span class="file-cta">
            <span class="file-icon">
                <i class="fa fa-upload"></i>
            <span class="file-label">
                Choose a file…
        <span class="file-name">Please select a file.</span>

But what about a multiple input field? If you want to use the Bulma file component to upload multiple files, just include the multiple attribute like you would with a standard HTML form. The file plugin will detect this and say x files selected.

            <div class="file has-name is-boxed">
    <label class="file-label">
        <input class="file-input" type="file" name="resume" multiple>
        <span class="file-cta">
            <span class="file-icon">
                <i class="fa fa-upload"></i>
            <span class="file-label">
                Choose a file…
        <span class="file-name">Please select a file.</span>

Get the filename in Javascript

New 0.11


These are the events that this plugin emits when various actions happen. These can be listened to by using the on method.

Name Syntax Description
Init on('init') Called once the plugin has finished initialisation.
Changed on('changed', eventObject) Called when the file input has changed. Passes the standard file event object as an argument.